tirsdag 14. april 2015

Numbers of Cuckoldry

It is not my intention to act judgemental upon men who are into cuckoldry, really I'm not, whatever rocks your boat I say.

But if cuckoldry really isn't your cup of tea, and if you're the more traditional type of man, believing in familylife and lifelong commitments involving fathering children, I have some news for you.

Sluts make bad mothers and bad housewives.

Cuckoldry and promiscuity is a proven killer of marriage, even a killer of love itself.

Marry a slut, and your children is very likely to grow up in a broken home, with their parents divorced.

This is not an opinion, but a fact; it's science.

The virgin bride has an 80% chance of having a stable marriage; and by "stable" we mean at least 5 years time.

Only one (1) non-martial affair and the chance drops down to 52% - the flip-coin - and I repeat, this is not an opinion, it's a known fact.

If your goal as a man is to avoid ending up cuckolded and divorced, and most likely separated from your children too, you simply should avoid marrying up a confirmed slut in the first place.

Two non-martial partners, and we're already in rocky waters, and after that, you are as a man up against some terrible odds, really.

Facts are facts, whatever we may feel about it, whatever we are liberals or conservatives.

The fact is that once a woman has had one extra-martial partner, she becomes statistically a risky choice for a man, and by two we're facing some really bad odds.

Given that the average partner count in the west is 5 today, we're facing a social wasteland.

So if you're not that into cuckoldry and divorce, you really should consider paying attention to these facts.

You may as a man marry a slut to not be alone, but you'll probably end up alone anyway.

Young man, go  for a lady if marriage is what you want.


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