fredag 20. mars 2015

What you can and what you cannot say...

There are many things in life you just cannot say.

At least not outside the realm of friends and family.

This is understood by any grown man, yeah, actually most boys generally understand this from 7 years of age.

Many places and circumstances it would be unwise to say that someone deserves being killed, for example; because many liberals and other people fail in making the distinction between the "someone" and the "anyone".

Some people actually are deluded into believing all humans are pretty much all the same.

I know this may sound completely unbelievable to some of you, but quite many peaceful and otherwise good and wise people actually believe that all other people are just as goodhearted as themselves.

We shouldn't be scolding good people too much for having this delusion thou; most of them will come to terms with reality as times goes by.

But we who knows better will be the sheperds who keep the wolves from the herd; and just so, without remorse or doubt. 

Not anyone, but some assholes, really deserves being killed.

And some other assholes and cunts, they may not deserve killing, but they deserve a suitable and justified punishment thou.

The good old bible tells us there is a difference between good and evil, and otherwise is never proven by any means.

It is the ones who is advocating that every human is good who bears the burden of proof.

Did I mention Adolf Hitler?

Ted Bundy?

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