onsdag 7. januar 2015

Bikers & Blues

Bikers & Blues has something in common, just like the america they both come from.

They all have both the worst and the best of everything.

Blues has the very best music in the world, as blues also is pestered with the worst.

And it's just the same damned thing about bikers.

Bikers sure as hell got one shitload of good-for-nothing assholes in their ranks, everybody knows that, but still I can't bring myself to be an anti-biker.

Besides biking is fun and motorcycles are useful machines, there also is the bikers themselves; some of the most courageous and fine specimen of humans are bikers.

In bikers I've found some remnants of honor and justice we seldom see anymore, combined with the will and the ability to let action follow words.

Bikers are doers, not talkers, and action speaks so much louder than words.

As the suits talk and talk and talk and talk, while kissing the jihadis asses and basically act like spineless swines, the vigilantes fight evil wherever it is; almost every single one of the westerners taking part in the physical fighting against evil, hence actually risking something, is guess who: bikers!

Even with some shait amongst our ranks, bikers are still worth ten liberals.

And on their cowardice?

I find the liberals lack of resolution disturbing.

Men in denim build a country, men in suits destroys it.

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