tirsdag 1. august 2023



Just a fucking look at them, and you'll know what they are!

They despise you so much, they refuse to even open their eyes.

Or they look down upon you, loathing you like a bug.

When they meet your eyes, deep dark hatred is what you see.

But more often they just wrinkle their nose, and shut you out in utter contempt.

 They need fucking, they need kissing, they need sucking; repeatedly!

They need to run a train until every resemblance of a smile is fucked off their face.

We'll bring justice upon them, over and over, as long and often as it takes.

Even if they'll be fucked over forever!

 From the day they arrived.

To they first were put to place.

To they got knocked up and tamed.

Making crazy eyes won't help; it only makes us fuck them harder.

Their anger and resentment will only cheer us on.

Basically they should just abandon all hope.

They would do wise to quit pouting, and embrace their destiny.

But if they were wise they wouldn't have ended up so utterly  fucked in the first place.

This one had a lot to say, just like her daughters. 

Looked like an owl; screeched like one too.

 This one was also a talker and a screamer; hurt our ears with it!

We liked this one better; the cunt was quiet enough. 

So quiet you'd give a twist here or there just to check they hadn't died of fright.

None of them were quiet when they got it up their ass thou.

But pussy first, then ass, finally to mouth.

If it's possible to knock them up, we'll do just that.

Make no doubt about it.

And if it's impossible to knock them up, we'll fucking try; forever!

They'll get what they deserve; eventually.

Their legs won't have strength to carry them.

Not even to crawl.

Every single little fuck will be taken from them.

Not a peep will be heard when we're done.

They'll obey, they'll work, and they'll fuck.

They'll swallow all their pride.

They'll swallow our cum.

They'll breed our babies.



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