søndag 1. mars 2020


You’ve probably noticed, especially if you live in an urban setting in the United States or Northern Europe, the proliferation of short haircuts among young women.

That includes anything from the chin-length “bob,” to the so-called “pixie cut,” to the Skrillex do, where a girl shaves one part of her head, while leaving the rest long, in the style of the famous electronica DJ, Skrillex.
One thing noticed is that there are some clear bitchy and butchy patterns in girls with short haircuts, versus girls with hair, say, to the mid-back and beyond.

They tend to be:

More masculine and argumentative.
These girls are more likely cuss to more, challenge you on trifling details, and try to call the shots.

Willing to pay their own way or buy a round.

They may not mean it, but they’ll grope for their wallets and make a convincing “pump fake,” at least.

More interested in emasculated, effete men.

So, naturally, they feel threatened by a “manly” guy. They’ll dismiss a stronger, confident man as a “douchebag,” even before he opens his mouth. You’ll often see them paired-up longer-term with a bearded, vegan type who doesn’t make a lot of waves.

Of course there are exceptions and outliers, and bitches comes in all forms and shapes, but see for yourself: do you notice any differences in females with short hair?

The bitchiest work colleagues, the most difficult cashier, the most confrontational, aggressive cunts in bars all share one trait: short-ass hair. 

Not only is short-hair unattractive, it’s one of the biggest signals a man can get that a woman is damaged, maybe not beyond repair, but damaged never the less. 

Damaged by the bitchy virus.

A bitch is so much better than you.

Yes, she really is, and you both know it.

She is smarter and richer than you.

She gets more respect than you, and she deserve more of it too.

She does everything right in her life.

She dresses properly, and dont sleep around like some stupid slut.

You'll probably never see a glimpse of her body, but still you know it must be perfect.

Everything about her is perfection.

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