mandag 1. august 2016

Ladies are good, but cunts are not.

It is overdue time to be stating the obvious, and give feminism some right for a change, that indeed not all women are alike.

With the western world on the brink of destruction, following the female suffrage, it is not very difficult to spot the reasons behind it.

Ladies are ladies, alright, but cunts are so certainly not ladies, they're still just cunts.

Cunts are just female assholes.

They are so full of shit!

Giving away power to cunts is as unwise as giving away power to criminals and assholes.

And as the law increasingly is a tool and force of evil instead of good, the dawn of vigilantism is inevitable.

We've seen it in the middle east recently, as evil hardly met any mainstream resistance at all, with the islamic shitstate of daesh and shait alike it. 

It was the vigilantes who saved the day, and defeated the evil islamic state with hardly any help at all, except Putin bombing some of them oiltrucks from shittystan going for a sellout in their allied Turkey.

US for some reason or another keep sucking up to Turkey and Saudi, even throwing old allies in Europe before the bus to achieve so.

We're living in tragi-comical times, but at least our time is interesting.

It's sad, but funny.

One clown worse than the next.

Fucking the duck isn't enough.

Fist the duck.

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