Mahatma Gandhi, that peacenik in the robe you know, once was asked what thoughts he may have upon western civilization. His answer was as geniously as it was simple. He said "That would be a very good idea."
When we come down to western conservatives, I'd say exactly the same, making Gandhi's words to my own. "That would be a very good idea."
As earlier said, America matters, still matters, and liberalism has gone sour, sinking ever deeper into a black hole of plain lunacy. Real conservatives are more desperately needed today, than it ever have been before in human history. But it is with them as it is with the aliens: Well, where are they?!
It seems like conservative politicians in the west have vanished into the void, and left us with their retarded relatives, the cuckservatives. Or cucktards, if you prefer.
For the uninitiated, cuckservatives are right-wing politicians and pundits who make a big show of defending traditional values, yet when push comes to shove, they roll over for the leftists and liberals on every issue out of fear of being called “racist,” “sexist” or “homophobic.”
The term has made outrage in conservative circles, because it describes them so perfectly.
Cuckservatives are the political equivalent of cuckolds, and already you know the rampant cuckoldry and single mommery that destroys the very fabric of western society.
While cuckservatives claim that they support the national economy, they all have gleefully supported the wholesale relocation of manufacturing to some third world counties like Vietnam and China through free trade agreements. Manufacturing jobs were what made the western prosperity of the 50’s and 60’s possible, because they allowed the average man to earn a decent wage and provide for his family.
Yet despite the fact that free trade enriches the super-rich at the expense of everyone else, cuckservatives demonize anyone who questions it as a Nazi. Cuckservative wunderkind Kevin Williamson of National Review recently attacked Democratic presidential candidate and soi-disant democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as a “national socialist,” solely because Sanders is opposed to free trade agreements that impoverish the average worker.
Cuckservatives are so desperate to avoid being called “racist” that they completely deny the role of race in society. For example, National Review’s Kevin Williamson absurdly blames the dysfunction of Detroit on unions run amok and not the fact that the city is more than 80 percent black.
Cuckservatives are opposed to any government action that limits the power of corporations, from higher taxes to environmental regulations to minimum wage increases. These corporations have rewarded cuckservatives by eagerly shoving left-wing degeneracy down our throats. Most corporations enforce leftist orthodoxy, contrary to the left’s claim that big business is pro-conservative.
Even supposedly right-wing corporate figures are further to the left than the average man. For instance, the Koch brothers, favorite boogeymen of the left, are in favor of open borders.
Yet despite being turkey-slapped repeatedly by their corporate masters, cuckservatives are all too happy to spread their cheeks even wider for these multinational purveyors of degeneracy.
So yes lads, I'm so excited.
And I just can't hide it.
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