mandag 13. juli 2015

NEWSFLASH: Scientists agrees upon it, warming is real!

It may come as an upleasant surprise to some of you, but somebody has to say it, and it may just as well be me;

- global warming is real!

Yes, my stoic followers, you thinking few, the shit is real, and it's about to hit the fan.

It's all true, it's all happening, right now, slowly as we speak.

Practically every scientist on the planet agrees upon that global warming is real, and that the main cause of it is the industrial revolution and it's side effects.

So make no doubt about it; it's gonna be hard times and hot weather.

So what's a wise gentleman to do about it?

Well, I for my part, think the survivalists has a good thing going for themselves.

There is absolutely not a snowballs chance in the seventh hell that the industrial consumerism will come to an end; human nature itself is working against us.

Any governments capable of doing anything about the situation, seems utter incapable of handing out the valid amount of beer to make the electorate endure the hardships necessary. Yeah, governments seems rather interested in stealing the working mans beer out of his hands, and bailing  up the rich mans bank accounts. And, ofcourse, there will be some "tickle down" upon government officials in the process, and damn the peasants anyways.

A stoic approach to the inevitable mayhem, seems like the only valid choice for anyone sane, left behind, in this lunatic asylum of a planet. Because there's no realistic hope stopping this; lefties, righties, moderates alike.

Each fraction, lefties, righties, moderates, is lost in their very own kinda crazyness. Crazy people cannot even take care of themselves and people close to them; even less save the world when the occation rises. As the song says: "The lunatics have taken over the asylum."


Weirdos, like Deep Green Resistance for example, supposedly to fight for natures cause, but all you ever hear from them is leftie conspiracy lunacy, about "white privilegde" and "Patriarchi." They all, obviously, has an agenda, and they use global warming as an exuse to push that agenda further.

Feminism can never, ever, do anything good for global warming, because as it is, women are the stormtroopers of industrial, metrosexual consumerism.

Beware the cupcake monster.


Righties tend to simply refuse accepting the facts, sinking into some kinda infantile denial. A few of them, Righties The Outermost, acts just like lefties, advocating weird conspiracy lunacy like "Illuminati" and "HAARP" and other shait from Tinfoil-hat-land.


We, the moderates, acknowlegde the fact that global warming is real, and why it's happening. We also acknowlegde that human nature itself makes it difficult, if not plain impossible, to do much about it.

When choosing between depression and a stoic approach to the matter, I'd say the choice is rather simple.


If the bible comforts you, as it does to me, remember that Our Lord The Almighty has promised to destroy the ones that destroys the earth. I often wonder if that is a promise or a threat for me, because I'm a part of the industrial consumerism too. However, I find it comforting that even thou nature cannot be saved as we know it, it may at least be avenged in the end.


And while we're waiting for The Great Breakdown (anyone seen that movie "The Road?") the best thing we can do is to prepare for the inevitable.

I for once, won't allow rabid scum like the Maras and ISIS inherit the earth.

Yeah, I'd rather nuke the hole damned place before ever handing it over to THEM! And nuke it twice, just to be sure.

The assholes inheriting the earth?

The assholes will not inherite the world as long as I'm still breathing. I simply won't allow it. Their asshole takeover will be over my dead vigilante body.

I'll fight alone if so be it.

But I'll pray other goodfolks be joining the fray.

I'd rather live a day as a lion, than a lifetime as cattle.

Even when you lose, you may still manage to get some of the hyenas with you; hopefully plenty of them.

Give'em Hell! They deserve it!

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