It may seem like a shallow thing to say in times like these, but I just cannot resist.
All these schoolshooters, churchshooters, kindergardenschooters and whatever; how plain ugly they are!
Ugly in every aspect the word.
The latest in this bundle of assholes, the bowl-cut boy, lives up to all my expectations.
He must have had a hard times with the girls, with that pathetic bowl-cut of his.
Ironically these girl-problems will vanish now that he's a mass murderer and a terrorist; cunts from all over the world will drown him in letters and basically throw themselves at him.
But then again, let him have his killer-groupies.
May they give him comfort when he meet Old Sparky, and then when he burns eternally in Hell.
He killed unarmed old folks attending church, yelling some right-wing yada-yada about it as he ran away; a typical loserboy, cowardly.
This pattern is known in KKK.
His victims relatives, real christians, who actually believes what they say they believe, has already said they will forgive him.
It is sad to see conservatives and liberals alike trying to use this weak and pathetic terrorist act to benefit their own goals.
As it turns out both parties have some valid points, but they should shut up about it, and talk principles instead.
Ofcourse giving the bowl-cut mini-KKK loserboy a gun was aiding a terrorist.
But then again, one armed man inside that church could have saved lives.
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