His name is Arfan Qadeer Bhatti, and he was born and raised in Norway, scandinavia.
Norway has buildt a welfare state like no other country on earth, and if there ever was a land where anyone was born with a fair chance in life, Norway is that place.
Only fools deny the impact of choosing your own path in life; fools and assholes.
Bhatti soon chose the path of mugging, robbing, stealing, dealing, stabbing, and sexual misconduct.
Basically, he became an asshole.
After 911 he became interested in religion, and joined the very most hardcore islamist fanatics as their enforcer, shooting at synagogues in Norway and elsewhere.
Then the islamic state came along, which earlier on was described as hyenas with rabies, and the opportunity to commit murder, torture, plunder and rape, was much more than Bhatti could resist.
Bhatti and his comrades in arms has introduced genocide as a part of the islamic state politics, going after kurds mostly.
The things these IS have done, makes words fail us, it is beyond rape and murder.
There is a total lack of empathy, and a total lack of respect, even for the dead.
This kind of extreme brutality is seldom seen outside the criminal cases of serial killers.
If anybody has ever deserved to die, it is the entire Islamic State, every single one of them.
This beast cannot be allowed to rule the world.
It really is us or them.
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