torsdag 1. januar 2015

The Violence Issue

David Cronenberg directed a movie called "A History of Violence" in 2005.

This film gives us a very accurate portrait of the merciless and violent criminal.

The defenceless stands no chance when meeting such self-rightous and aggressive predators.

Just like a cat enjoys playing with it's prey, these humanoids find sadistic pleasure in making their victims think they can talk their way out of it, but they're planning on killing them all already from the start.

As Mahatma Gandhi example shows us, the non-violent approach may be a most valid option, when dealing with civilized people of honor and common dignity.

When dealing with the wrong people on the other hand, there really IS no non-violent approach.

When dealing with people who don't listen or care what you say, you must either ignore, or decide for yourself just HOW MUCH violence that will do it.

Needless to say, but when letting yourself and everyone around you getting massacred, the "ignore" option I mentioned before is hardly an option I'll recommend ever.

Self-defence is NOT the same as murder.

Don't you EVER buy that crap someones tries to sell you about self-defence being some immorally act.

In many scenarios violence is not AN option, but THE option.

If you find yourself amongst the wrong people without being able to defend yourself, you're at their mercy.

To be at someones mercy, when these humanoids really has no mercy, well, then you're in big trouble.

There really IS some evil individuals out there.

Not everyone is nice.

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